Sunday, August 7, 2011

What am I thinking?

In my 40th year, I started mountain biking. Sure, I ride around town for extended trips too but the real fun comes in the mountains.

I've always been attracted to adventure in different forms. With mountain biking, there's something so exciting about not knowing what's around the corner while picking up speed. But there's also an inherent danger. I've been on two trips where riders, more advanced than I, have been thrown over the front of the handle-bars: one breaking her vertebrae, the other breaking his collarbone down the pictured descent (below). While I've had a couple of minor crashes, I've also had a couple of close calls where I could have been hurt.

Also with mountain biking come the mountains, with mountains come mountain lions and bears. I may sound paranoid but when trails have signs posted making you aware of the possibility, the thought doesn't easily leave your mind. Although, there's something to be said for safety in numbers when going with a group.

Last summer, I was fortunate enough to be able to go on several group trips. This summer, I've found it harder to make time and harder to get up early when I do. So, I've gone on a few trips by myself. I still thoroughly enjoy the adventure but have a bit of uneasiness along for the ride. It has me wondering, "what are you thinking"?

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